Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Soldier's Girl Speed painting


This is an old image that I found and painted up roughly, I might redo something of the sort but a more serious pose and mood. It's a fair bit under done but it's not a serious thing for me. The background would really compliment it if I gave a care but at the time, I wasn't really bothered. It's an old piece so I guess I was still learning.

~ A.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dinosaur Illustration Video

Copy the URL for actual pics of the Illustrations.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Geth face speed painting

This speed painting was an hour and a half long although, perhaps more time was needed, a lot more time. I usually write that often, how I should spend more times on paintings. The thing is, i try to fit as much information or detail in such little time. You could say i'm trying to master this little trick. I know, it doesn't prove anything but, i mean, i enjoy doing this at a quick pace. Although i really need to start learning to be patient and slow down every so often.

Anyway, there's a lot of wrong in this piece but don't hold it against me.

~ A.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hanar 30 mins speed paint

This Hanar painting was a quick sketch as I wanted to do something easy and simplistic. I started this piece thinking I would spend at least an hour on it but by half way of that hour, i just thought I was getting there faster then I had anticipated. Although, if I had spent another half hour on it, I'm sure it would look a lot better.

~ A.