So I spent most of my weekend drawing some cartoons. I learnt a fair bit as I'm not much of a cartoonist but it was fun. The problem that I have with this is that I'm a very messy person, I sketch lines over and over until one line pops up in front of me and I don't bother to clean the image.
Another problem I'm having with Photoshop is that I am very lazy to use Layers. I mean, I know how to use them but I just cbf to be perfectly honest. Especially when I paint, I don't even bother to make new layers cause' i just paint over everything.
Anyway, back to the Cartoon thing, I drew a few drawings and it seemed I wasted all day on it. I mean, you know that feeling when you work a drawing up really loosely and after a couple of hours you take a step back and you think "I could of done this in thirty minutes!".
So anyway, the above images are more older drawings or speed paints. So, I'll post the other drawings later.